Would you rather dance or sing whenever you hear music?

           If I were required to either sing or dance whenever I hear music I would definitely choose to sing. I think when you're on your own there isn't really any downside to doing either or but it's when you are in the public scene that both of these options look less and less fun. Worst case scenario you're at a funeral or getting lectured and all the sudden you start hitting the gritty. On the other side though you could simply be humming, being much less of a nuisance for everyone around you while at the same time not embracing yourself horribly. As another example let's say you are at the club or a party and a song that everyone likes starts blasting, would you rather be yelling and singing to the song like everyone else or would you rather be awkwardly dancing silently while everyone is jumping and raving around you. In the need I think that both of these options are really horrible, but I think that singing every time you here a song is a little bit less of an L than dancing. 


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