Is abstract art overrated?

     In my opinion, abstract art is one thousand percent overrated. From the moment you hear the word art, you think of a great composition of detail, style, and meaning. Abstract art on the other hand throws detail and style out of the window, only using quote and quote meaning in the piece. With abstract art, you aren't necessarily making anything worthwhile either. The main point I'm getting at is for there to be any worth in the piece the audience would have to create it themselves. Abstract art isn't something that anyone can do either. Many artists never start out with something abstract as their first piece and only do so once there is a healthy amount of reputation behind their name. This shows dishonesty in the community of abstract artists as "good" drawings aren't good unless the person throws reputation and explanation behind it. Everyday use of images and drawings is important and should all include some immediate response in the mind. This response for example might be interest and disbelief in the great wonders of ancient Roman statues or it might be you thinking, "Why is there spilled milk on this marble pillar". To wrap it all up, the values in abstract art simply are overrated and the galleries and museums who value some of these pieces in the millions should probably reconsider a thing or two.


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