
Showing posts from October, 2023

What would Jonathan Swift mock in the modern day?

          In the modern day, I think that Jonathan Swift would make fun of the higher education system and its primary flaws. Mainly for starters the debt that is accumulated in getting various degrees. For a society that is reliant on a successful and potent new generation, there isn't much help being given to receive the proper titles and experience in order to immediately be assimilated into the workforce. A few decades ago, it was customary for your employer to pay for your master's degree so that way you would be more of a help to the company and get a free education. This practice is no longer customary and hurts everyone involved. Coming out of college you'll be lucky to secure a job with 6 figures right off the bat. The train of thought has turned into profits instead of benefits which hurts almost everyone involved. The idea that you need money to make money has affected many as it greatly limits the capabilities of people all over the world. A great example of t

Is abstract art overrated?

      In my opinion, abstract art is one thousand percent overrated. From the moment you hear the word art, you think of a great composition of detail, style, and meaning. Abstract art on the other hand throws detail and style out of the window, only using quote and quote meaning in the piece. With abstract art, you aren't necessarily making anything worthwhile either. The main point I'm getting at is for there to be any worth in the piece the audience would have to create it themselves. Abstract art isn't something that anyone can do either. Many artists never start out with something abstract as their first piece and only do so once there is a healthy amount of reputation behind their name. This shows dishonesty in the community of abstract artists as "good" drawings aren't good unless the person throws reputation and explanation behind it. Everyday use of images and drawings is important and should all include some immediate response in the mind. This respo