
Showing posts from January, 2024

I'm Glad My Mom Died - personal reflection.

    People missing out on their childhoods happens all the time in aspects of either not being able to attend events with friends constantly or not being able to make friends in the first  place. In  I'm Glad My Mom Died it shows the extreme version of this spectrum where Jennette goes through the first chapters of her life with little to no contact with a normal childhood. More specifically she is thrown from dance practice to dance practice and form audition to audition with no time to enjoy what she wants. For me I this aspect of her life was something that I went through as well, yet, to a lesser degree. When I was younger my parents thought that having a sport to play year-round wasn't only normal but thought that it was also the only real way to stay healthy physically and mentally. Growing up there would be periods of about 2-3 weeks where I wouldn't be playing sports and where every other weekend and school week was spent on a field. When I was younger, I went throu